Woman lighting sage and blowing it out

A new year is upon us, giving us the perfect opportunity to look ahead. A blank slate exists at the top of a New Year and while there may be things we'd like to release or call forward, the path ahead may appear dark at the onset. With simple intentions we can illuminate the path before us so that we can enter the new year with ease.

Anything new can be overwhelming, including the start of a new year. There is so much pressure to stop this, or do that, that we simply forget to set our intentions for how we would like to feel and be. That is why the new year is a wonderful time to set aside some time for sacred self-care. A chance to connect with your body and mind all at once.

These sacred self-care moments do not have to be overly planned or practiced, they can simply be things that you already do or enjoy doing. In doing these things your new year intentions and the path you need to take will be illuminated before you in a way you might not have seen before.

Let’s take a look at 3 sacred self-care rituals you can use to set your new year intentions and  illuminate your path forward.

Take a quiet morning meditation walk

Woman walking barefoot in grass

The morning hours may be dark depending where you live but the morning presents the perfect time to get out and see what comes to you. Morning time is one of the best times to take advantage of as the responsibilities of your day are yet to begin. Walking while not only good for you, is an excellent way to allow your mind some space to just be. In this space you can begin to explore anything that arises within your mind. Be sure to pay close attention to your thoughts as they come up, these thoughts will help you see where your intentions may need to be placed as you go about your days. 

Make time for self massage

One of the best ways to connect with our inner desires is through self-massage. Allow yourself time to set the mood for your space, brew your favorite calming cup of tea, place a few drops of Illuminate blend into your diffuser, grab your favorite massage oil and hit play on your most relaxing playlist. Start with the feet and work your way up, being mindful as to any areas of your body that feel tension and just give yourself permission to release. You may notice that as you do this your mind will wander, allow yourself to become a curious explorer to whatever arises within your mind. Perhaps the tension you meet within your body or the thoughts that arise within your mind will guide you to better intentions for yourself in the new year.

Allow yourself to dream out loud

Woman looking to right with Thara Sacra Chakra oil in her hand

A new year is the perfect time to dream big, but why hide away these intentions and dreams in a journal, when you can dream them out loud. There is such a power to allowing our wants, desires, and needs out into the world. One of the best ways to do this is to simply speak them out. Find a close friend, partner, or confidant who will lend you a listening ear. Speaking your intentions into existence will help illuminate your path forward like never before. 

In this new year, you have a blank slate, a fresh path ahead of you just waiting to be illuminated! Give in to the opportunity to explore and expand your sacred self care and your intentions will come to you with ease.

A woman smiling

