Woman near a window with Thara Sacra Chakra oils in her hand

Why It’s Time To Move On From ‘New Year, New You’ Resolutions And Embrace Finding A New Energy That Will Actually Support Your Wellness

There is no need to reinvent yourself every 12 months

If your feeds are anything like ours, you’ll have spent the last couple of weeks seeing these topics far too often:

  • New Year’s Resolutions

  • New Year, New You

  • Diets - in various forms

  • Finance guides

  • Intermittent fasting

  • Exercises to flatten your stomach within 30 days

And, it’s exhausting. It’s the unspoken pressure that it brings into our worlds when we’re already coping so much: something we spoke about more in our last blog. It’s also unnecessary because there isn’t anything wrong with the old ‘you’. You’re fine just the way you are.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that we’re saying don’t identify ambitions and goals that you want to work towards and, absolutely, you should look after your wellbeing. What we want you to know is that you don’t need to feel under pressure to be a better person. We want to help you feel better.

Listening to what your mind and body need

Your intuition (Third Eye Chakra) is a powerful thing: it is more reliable than people generally give it credit for. That’s why listening to it is so important in finding out what your mind and body genuinely need. If you’re not yet tuned into what it’s telling you, it might seem weird initially as you strip away what you think you need and what external sources say you should have, want or need. These voices are powerful but not necessarily accurate so it’s important to stay grounded while you access these through your Third Eye. 

This is something that our founder, Tara, learnt from personal experience when she was going through a health crisis herself: she found that through focusing on healing her energy, she was helping to heal herself. What is it that you need? Greater balance, a more grounded approach or, perhaps, increased clarity of thought? Quite understandably, it’s often a combination of all of these. Life is complicated after all. 

It’s around these needs that our products are specifically designed and crafted. 

HowThara Sacra products are crafted

Each master blend is formulated to work with our energy: this is at the centre of the thorough research and creation process. For example, does it need to be grounding, opening, or balancing? Tara researches each potential botanical to understand its role within the plant structure. 

All this information goes into helping her understand how this botanical might act aromatically to support your wellbeing. Next, we sample where we take note of the subtle effect it has on the emotional body or how the aroma makes us feel. It’s only at this stage that we can determine the base, middle, and top notes.

Each product is designed to help you set your wellness intention through energetic aromatics. For example, if you want to work on accessing your intuition you might spray your room with Ground Pillow Mist before meditation and place a drop of Illuminate oil on your Third Eye. 

If you want to find out more, here’s the full story about us.

Want to incorporate something new into your wellbeing routine? Check out the full range of products or, if you want somewhere to start, check out our suggestions below.


Ideal if you’re wanting to take a breath, hit the reset button and allow your true self to shine. 

Great if you’re looking for something to nurture your base and help you feel more grounded in yourself.


