Chakra: Third Eye/Ajna

Element: All elements combined

Color: Indigo

Sound: Aum (Om)

Location: Between the eyebrows

Endocrine Gland: Pituitary gland

Aspect: To perceive/wisdom/intuition

We have two eyes to see two sides of things, but there must be a third eye which will see everything at the same time and yet not see anything. That is to understand Zen.
— D.T. Suzuki

Ajna, our third eye chakra, is where we see beyond ordinary sight. Located in the middle of our forehead between they eyebrows (or behind the eyes) it is the energy center where the connection to our intuition and higher wisdom occurs. In this space we transcend “I” and begin to think of the union and interconnectedness of all. 

When we are imbalanced in this energy center we can feel stuck without a forward vision or lack of clarity in situations. On the other hand, when the third eye is overstimulated, we can find ourselves getting lost in illusion and fantasies. I often speak on the fact that we are physical beings living here on earth and the importance of staying grounded and in the body. This is especially important when doing work with upper chakras like the third eye. If you are not balanced in all your chakras, this one can for sure keep you spinning.

To help us understand a bit more on how to connect with the third eye and what to do when it is imbalanced I sat down with one of my favorite yoga teachers in the Metro Detroit area, Soojin Kim. Not only is she an amazing being full of wisdom and love but she’s also one of our gorgeous models. Get to know Soojin and the third eye below.

(Tara, Founder, THARA SACRA)

A woman sitting on the floor with Thara Sacra Illuminate Chakra oil in one hand and the other hand poiting to her Third Eye

Soojin Kim - Molly Gruenwald Photography

How do you connect to your deeper wisdom? 

Mediation and yoga have been immensely impactful and have been the catalyst for me to understand myself and the world through a kind, compassionate lens. I also think time and being in my mid 30's have gifted me the power of letting go and truly listening to myself, my intuition and my needs. In my 20's I wanted to do and be so much and there was such a dizzying rush that never allowed me to feel enough. I am realizing more and more through the spiritual practices of yoga, sadhana, Ayurveda and my spiritual quest of tantra, vedanta, music, poetry, art, yoga texts, and everything that I feel I truly am HERE more in my body, mind and heart.

One of the ways our third eye energy can get stuck is by being narrowminded. How do you support exploring new or different viewpoints and perspectives? 

I think trust in myself, the universe and a higher divine power allows me to unblock my third eye. To spend time in meditation has been very important and sacred so that I can get really quiet, very still to hear the voice of my soul and heart. Spending time with myself, reading spiritual texts, which lately I have been adoring Gurdjieff. I recharge when I can be just with myself. I LOVE being around people so much and love to connect but I also am realizing how important and sacred time with myself is. Traveling and tapping into my curiosity and inner flow also connects me to my third eye portal. And of course, a yummy yin or restorative practice. 

Something I struggle with that can be a sign of an overstimulated third eye is overthinking. How do you stay grounded in the present moment and mindful? 

I am very much vata and have a tendency to over think or be pulled into the ether because I get so excited about ideas and doing all the things and stuff. I love to dream, to be pulled in so many directions that I have to be very mindful about not overcommitting myself, that I meditate, receive yoga Nidra, journal and go for long walks outside. The rhythms of nature always ground me and attune me back.

Mudras are creating magic in your hands and also connect us to the rhythms of nature and life.
— Soojin Kim

Woman sitting on floor with one hand to heard and one hand in a mudra

Soojin Kim - Molly Gruenwald Photography

Limiting core beliefs (the unconscious stories we tell ourselves that define our sense of worth eg. I am not worthy) can keep our third eye closed and trap us in a restricted mindset.  What are some of your core beliefs and how do you change them?  

Mantra and mudra practices have been potent and powerful for me when I can feel myself remembering limited stories and beliefs. They connect me to my soul, the subtle body, energetic body and the conscious world. I feel so powerful when I do mudras because they center me. Mudras are creating magic in your hands and also connect us to the rhythms of nature and life. I love diving inside myself. I can get caught up in not feeling worthy or enough and when I hear this inner dialogue I like to listen to uplifting podcasts, reading poetry, listening to music and just shaking and moving my body so I can move blocked, rigid energy that I want to just release. I love invoking the goddess Durga and Kali to remind me of my power and that I am limitless and I can handle anything. 

Pranayama or deep breathing is a great way to awaken the flow of energy in the body and focus the mind. Tell me a little bit about this practice and how it has helped you with focusing the mind. 

MMMMmmm. Pranayama. In my early 20's, I was too impatient for long pranayama practices and just couldn't sit still. I love pranayama practices now because we literally are shifting and creating more energy, life-force. I feel really empowered because pranayama helps me detach from my balloon like mind and grounds me into my body, heart and soul. I love Nadi shodhana, skull shining breath and just taking some really amazing lions breath to cleanse and purge limiting, heavy energy inside me. I imagine that the tormentors of Harry Potter visual are exiting my body when I breath lions breath! I have a vata provoked mind and my thoughts and daydreams can easily take me into the ether. Pranayama has been such a revelation in my life and I'm inspired to learn more and do more. 

Woman holding sage incense with eyes closed and a smile on her face

Soojin Kim - Molly Gruenwald Photography

What crystals or essential oils do you work with when focusing on the third eye? 

I love crystals so dearly! For me personally, I am really drawn to my selenite wand, labradorite and smoky quartz and amethyst to help me focus on my third eye. I really love Radiate and Return from Thara Sacra to help me remember this portal. I love Stress Away from Young Living and Valor. Scents are grounding and uplifting and help me journey into myself again and again.

What are three yoga poses good for helping to clear and open the third eye? 

I love to sit in seated mediation for a while to connect to my third eye with Hakini mudra and vayu mudra. Mudras help connect you to your subtle body and help you remember what already exists inside is needed, divine light, love and harmony. I think Anjanae asana with Anjali mudra at the third eye is extremely powerful and grounding and Childs pose allows you to lightly rest and stimulate your third eye. It allows me to really turn inward, get quiet and I can listen to my powerful intuitive voice. 

Amazing. Thank you Soojin.

Soojin has been on a spiritual quest seeking the why and understanding the human soul on fire since she was a young girl. She felt confused, unsure and didn’t understand the longing for something more in this life. The persistent hunger that wouldn’t subside was her desire to understand her purpose. 

As a seeker of knowledge, she graduated from the University of Michigan studying English and psychology and then continued onward to satiate her creative side, studying fashion marketing at the Parson's School of Design. She spent her early twenties working in the corporate world and fashion - in the vata-provoking chaos of a misaligned hustle, lack mentality and not feeling her calling.  Soojin knew deep inside that she was not in alignment with her dharma. This seeking continued as she entered the wild woman and goddess archetype and this is also when she really discovered the beautiful practice of yoga. 

Her discovery of yoga was a life changing awakening and deeply reconnected her to her body and soul through breath, meditation and movement. She travelled to India to study at the Vedanta Ashram in 2013 with Swami Paratharsary. Her studies of Vedic philosophy would later evolve into a deep appreciation of Tantra. Soojin weaves in spirituality, art of rituals alignment, mindful flow and pranayama within her classes to help you connect to the lighthouse of your jiva-soul. She has been teaching for 6 years and currently teaches at Citizen Yoga.

Learn more about the third eye chakra essential oil blend Illuminate here. For more in our chakra series visit here.


