The practice of using the aroma naturally contained in plants to create a sense of well-being has been used for thousands of years. One of the ways we continue to do this today is through essential oils.
Molly Grunewald Photography
Essential oils are the result of isolating a plant material’s oil through methods like distillation or expression. These concentrated oils contain the aroma and essence of the plant.
Because essential oils are so special and amazing, they have also become trendy. The market is saturated with different brands, marketing terms, information, and unfortunately miss-information.
So, we sat down with our Founder to find out more and address some of the Frequently Asked Questions we receive:
First tell us a bit about why you use essential oils in your product formulations?
Essential oils are a wonderful way to infuse plant magic into your formulations. I like to think of each oil as containing the life force of the plant. After all, there is no denying that fresh vibrant energy you feel when smelling sweet orange essential oil. It feels the same as when you bite into a fresh juicy orange! I’ve infused that same energy into my Radiate blend by using the essential oil of Sweet Orange to bring a bit of that invigorating and uplifting quality to the blend.
Are the essential oils in your products high quality, certified, safe, approved etc.?
“Plants mean nothing in isolation; they are a life-form rooted in and identified by their community, by their relationship to and interactions with all other life on Earth.”
I really encourage everyone to read this this article posted on the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) site written by Jade Shutes, BA, Dipl. AT., Cert. Herbalist: The Quality of Essential Oils Journal.
Most of the certifications customers ask me about are marketing terms. There is no governing body of essential oils. If you see fancy certifications and claims it’s possible they were created by the company selling you their products. It doesn’t mean those certifications or quality programs don’t ensure you are receiving a quality product but it’s important to know what they are and where they came from. Look into their quality programs (especially if they have trademarks or branding attached to them.) Why did they implement that program? Was there an event or issue that prompted the need? Is it an outside authority certifying them or their own in-house team? Why are they branded and marketed as being the only company certified in this program? Knowledge is power and context matters.
“I mostly work with small suppliers that have been in the industry for a long time and are known to follow Good Manufacturing Processes (GMP) with high standards.”
I mostly work with small suppliers that have been in the industry for a long time and are known to follow Good Manufacturing Processes (GMP) with high standards. I follow GMP myself and I research each supplier to ensure they have the right certifications and ethical standards for the products they are offering.
The other way I ensure my essential oil blends are safe is by diluting them with a carrier oil. People love my blends so much I often get asked to offer a “full strength” blend without dilution. The reason I don’t do that is because I know my blends will primary be used during practices like yoga and meditation and I don’t want the practitioner to have to stop and think is this safely diluted? Can I put this on my skin? I do that work for you. The only oil I offer that is not pre-diluted is Lavender Essential oil and it is noted on the label that it should be properly diluted before use.
Always do patch tests when working with any product including mine to ensure it’s safe for your skin and consult a physician before use.
Do you have an oil for [insert various condition]?
Molly Grunewald Photography
The simplest answer to this question is no. My products are energetically blended based on the principles of aromatherapy and the energetics of the chakra system. There are plenty of essential oil companies out there offering oils for this or that physical concern. My blends are unique in the way that they are formulated to work with energy and the subtle body. My blends can be used to assist with something like preparing the body for rest because of the grounding and balancing properties in specific blends but they aren’t specific for sleep. For example, a lot of my clients will use either Ground or Transcend before their nighttime yoga or mediation practice to help shift their energy to a calmer state.
My recommendation is to always work with a certified aromatherapist when diving into the essential oil world (especially when working with them undiluted), consult your medical professional, and use them according to direction.
Can your blends be ingested or used internally?
No. My blends are not to be ingested or internally. There are many schools of thought on the use of essential oils. For my personal recommendation regarding essential oil use I’m going to direct you again to NAHA and their safety statements and safety Information for this one.
NAHA Safety Information
Again, this is my personal recommendation regarding essential oil use. I encourage you to investigate, educate yourself, and speak with your medical professional to determine what is right for you.
Additional questions about any of my products? Feel free to send me a message here or comment below. The world of natural botanicals and essential oils is exciting and vast. I’ve included some of my recommended resources and courses to help you dive deeper into this world.
Tara Gangadharan is the founder and creator of THARA SACRA. You can read more about her and the brand here.