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It’s the first day of Spring! Let’s usher in this new energy with a bathing ritual. A spring bathing ritual can be a beautiful way to connect with the renewal and growth of the season.

Here are some steps to guide you in creating your own ritual:

  1. Set your intention: Begin by setting your intention for your spring bathing ritual. What do you want to release from the past season, and what do you want to invite in for the new season? Take some time to reflect on this and write down your intentions.

  2. Choose your bathing space: Select a space for your spring bathing ritual. It could be a bathtub, fresh water pool, or even a shower. Make sure the space is clean and clutter-free, if at home, consider lighting candles or incense to create a relaxing atmosphere.

  3. Gather your supplies: If bathing indoors collect any supplies you'll need for your bath, such as Epsom salts, essential oils, bath bombs, or flower petals. We like to use our Return Soaking Salts with crystals and flower petals. If bathing outdoors choose natural elements like stones, crystals, or plants to enhance your experience.

  4. Create a sacred space: Before you begin your bath, take a moment to create a sacred space. This could involve lighting candles or incense, playing calming music, or reciting a prayer or mantra to ground and center yourself.

  5. Set the mood: As you begin your bath, focus on creating a relaxing and peaceful environment. Consider dimming the lights, playing soothing music, or adding your salts or additional botanicals to your bathwater to promote relaxation.

  6. Visualize your intentions: As you soak in the water, visualize your intentions for the new season. Imagine releasing any negative energy or emotions from the past and welcoming in new growth and abundance for the future.

  7. Take your time: Allow yourself plenty of time to soak and relax in the water. Use this time to reflect, meditate, or simply be present in the moment.

  8. Give thanks: As you finish your bath, take a moment to give thanks for the experience and the blessings of the new season. You could say a prayer, express gratitude, or simply take a few deep breaths to ground yourself before you step out of the water.

By following these steps, you can create a meaningful and rejuvenating spring bathing ritual that honors the growth and renewal of the season.

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