During our first workshop event for THARA SACRA Linnie Briley led us in a beautiful meditation and yin yoga practice. I was so relaxed and open after that session I wanted to give all of you the same gift. I absolutely adore Linnie and her openness to share her healing journey and how we can apply the things she’s learned to our own. Here is Linnie to share with us a Heart Opening meditation for self-love.
Linnie Briley
For me the most important part I’ve had to learn about loving, or giving love is that you have to, at least in some capacity, also love yourself.
So many times I’ve found myself sad or reflecting on the lack of love I receive from others but I can almost always find a moment during that time that I wasn’t necessarily loving myself to the fullest. When we want to receive love from others we need to start with the ability to give and receive love to ourselves. Self-love is an every day, almost every moment choice. Even if you may have faltered before, you have this moment in the present to change that.
There are many ways to love yourself like aromatherapy, yoga, meditation, etc. I can guarantee just as much as you are deserving of love from the people you’d like it from you are even more worthy of love for yourself.
So with that being said, I would like to guide you through a meditation that was made in hopes you’d find a moment for some love for yourself. I sincerely hope whether you are able to do this meditation or not you can take some time to do things to love yourself more, because I promise you are worth all the self-love and more.
Follow along below or listen to Linnie’s voice as she guides you through this beautiful self-loving heart opening meditation.
Take a moment to eliminate any distractions around you. Let's begin by finding a comfortable position either lying down or sitting whatever feels good to you. Once you've found a comfortable position begin to soften your gaze as you take a deep inhale through the nose and exhale out the mouth. Let's do that two more times on your own. After the last exhale close your eyes. Begin a thoughtful breath in and out of your nose.
As you close the eyes begin to notice the body, feeling the weight become heavy against your chair, or wherever you are laying. Notice how the inhales feel coming in the nose, through the throat, filling the lungs. Follow the exhales as they release out the lungs through the throat back out the nose.
Now begin to scan the body, every breath just notices how the body feels from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. Allow yourself to feel relaxed through the body. Notice and observe any thoughts in the mind & gently let them go. With each exhale release yourself out of the physical/thinking space. Let the thoughts go. If you need maybe imagine them as balloons that your letting go in the wind. Or chalk erasing off a chalkboard. Allow the breath to be your anchor if you notice thoughts are coming now or later just come back to a nice steady breath.
Count the breaths inhale one exhale two inhale three exhale four until you get to ten and start over anytime you’re losing the breath.
Now allow the mind's eye to notice chest, your heart. Allow your breath to direct into this space. Feeling the rib cage rise and fall. Begin to imagine the breath as a beautiful, radiant white light filling your heart space slowly with every breath. With every breath of light of love for yourself. Each exhale you release any self-limiting thoughts.
Inhale source acceptance
Exhale releases any thoughts that you aren’t loved
Inhale source gratitude
Exhale release any lack of compassion you have for yourself
Now on your next breath you imagine the light to be bright and green. This deep inhale brings this bright, green light into your heart and surrounds it. With every inhale this light grows and grows to surround your entire body. First your chest, then belly, neck, hips, legs, arms, hands, face, and the entirety of this vessel. You feel this green light surround and nourish you. After you feel your whole body surrounded then you begin to inhale this light to maybe fill the room, or your surrounding area. Maybe with each inhale you allow this green light to be sent to people you know, and love. Or maybe you just allow this green light to fill your surround areas, or places you know need this healing.
Once this green light has surrounded you and those you love, just continue to focus on the breath.
With the next breath begin to notice the space around you, the noises, the smells. Then begin to notice the body again, the weight of it on the floor. Whenever you’re ready gently open the eyes.
Thank you for allowing me to lead you through this time of self love. Many blessings.
About Linnie Briley: Linnie is a teacher with a big heart and believes yoga is for EVERYbody. After practicing yoga for 7 years, she decided to take the plunge + get RYT-200hr certified with Starseed Yoga in Canton.
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