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Chakra: Heart/Anahata

Element: Air

Color: Green

Sound: YAM

Location: Center of chest just above heart

Endocrine Gland: Thymus

Aspect: Love/Acceptance/Connection

Located in the center of our chest just above our physical heart, the heart chakra is our center of love and compassion. The heart chakra is also the bridge between our physical (root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras) and divine (throat, third eye, and crown chakras) energies. It’s so vitally  important that we keep this center’s energy flowing so we are able link physical matters with the spiritual.

Ever met someone who is floating so high up in the spiritual world so much they can’t relate to physical things down here on the earthy plane? Or someone who lacks the ability to connect with others because they are stuck in physical/selfish concerns and don’t feel the oneness of the universe? A blocked heart chakra could be the culprit.

On a personal note, when my Father passed from this earth plane suddenly over a year ago, the impact to my heart chakra center was felt both physically and spiritually. I could feel actual pain in my heart center, and at one stage, the shock sent my heart racing so fast I headed straight to the Doctor. The grief and shock was taking a toll on me physically as well as spiritually. I could also feel myself losing my connection to the divine. I frankly didn’t know what I believed anymore about our purpose on this earth.

I was lucky that I had the knowledge and intuition to know what was going on and that I quickly needed to find a way to reconnect my physical and spiritual energies. My heart chakra needed a boost. I worked on giving myself lots of self-care, expressing gratitude, and serving others by channeling love into and developing what is now our heart chakra blend ACCEPT.  All of these activities, and the love from some amazing friends, helped me through to the other side. When dealing with grief always be gentle on yourself and if you need help from friends or professionals, seek it.

Here to help us with more ways to cultivate heart chakra energy and keep it flowing is Dayle Pivetta Extrell. Dayle is an amazing heart centered Yoga Teacher/Healer and I’m so excited to get into all things heart, beauty, + self love with her!

(Tara, Founder, THARA SACRA)


The heart chakra governs our ability to give and receive love. A huge part of that includes loving ourselves. How do you show yourself unconditional love and compassion?

I practice. Before I found yoga and meditation I was lost in a sea of unworthiness, comparison and judgment. As a recovering perfectionist, it's easy for me to revert back to that. In the bhakti tradition of yoga we see the divine in all beings- that includes ourselves- so when I roll out my yoga mat I work really hard at letting go of self-judgements and replacing the inner critic with acceptance, kindness and gratitude. When that fails, I try to DO the things I love- sing, dance, draw, cook, spend time in nature. The vibration of love, whether it's me loving myself or doing what I love attracts more of it! 

Finding a healthy balance between giving and receiving is difficult especially for healers. How do you know when you are giving too much and need to focus on receiving love.

 If I'm giving too much I feel like I'm in one of those revolving doors, but can't figure out how to step out of it. I feel like there isn't enough time or resources to take care of me and I become resentful of my clients and students.  Giving and receiving to me are like an inhale and an exhale. Both must be present or I will literally suffocate! Unfortunately, it happens quickly so the trick for me is to prioritize self-care and establish and maintain clear boundaries before I start to experience lack.

Yoga can be an amazing tool for opening the heart. What is your favorite style of yoga to teach and favorite heart opening postures?

 I love teaching restorative yoga. So many of us live in a "harder, faster, stronger" mindset and restorative yoga is really the opposite of that. It's designed to meet you where you are, no edges to push past, no big flashy poses. It presents it's own challenges but is the perfect opportunity to practice self- love, compassion and acceptance. Supportive fish with a yoga block under the head and another between the shoulder blades is one of my favorite heart opening postures. I also love Urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow/wheel) with my feet on blocks at the wall.


A gratitude practice is also a great way to cultivate heart chakra energy. What are you grateful for in this moment?

 I'm grateful for my family. My health. And even tho the gray skies get me down, I'm grateful for the slower pace that winter brings.

Cultivating and appreciation for beauty is another way to help open the heart chakra. What things do you find beautiful? (Art, music, people, nature, etc.)

 Nothing takes my breath away like a sunrise or sunset over the water.  Mother nature is a stunner.. and confidence. When someone is confident that they are enough with out the approval of others, I find that so beautiful.

What other activities do you engage in that bring you joy and feed your heart?

I SING, meditate, play the ukulele, doodle, take baths, get massages, and spend time with animals, children and other humans that don't take themselves too seriously.

LOVE that.

Dayle is an E-RYT with over 3,500 hours of teaching experience. She received her 200 hour certification at Sonic Yoga, Center for Yoga Studies in NYC in 2008, has completed the Bhakti/FLY, Aryuveda & Healing, and Hands-on Love School 300HR immersions at Laughing Lotus NYC and Ring One of Circus Yoga, The Art of Human Play.  She is passionate about making yoga accessible to all ages and abilities and is certified to “play” yoga with kids, teens and families thanks to Rainbow Kids Yoga, Karma Kids Yoga and Jyothi Larsen's Yoga Mom Buddha Baby program and is certified in Prenatal Yoga with the brilliant Juliana Seeches Samba Yoga. 

Dayle is also a certified practitioner of Thai Yoga Therapy, Traditional Thai Massage and reflexology under the tutelage of Rhiannon Fink, Laughing Lotus NYC and the Thai Institute of Healing Arts. She is a level 2 Reiki healer and private sessions with Dayle can combine yoga, thai massage,  reiki and aromatherapy depending on your needs. 

Find Dayle spreading her joy and open heart at Citizen Yoga and her workshops in Metro Detroit. For help with heart chakra energy try our Accept chakra oil. To learn more about chakras visit our additional blogs in this series here.