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Chakra: Sacral/Svadhisthana

Element: Water

Color: Orange

Sound: VAM

Location: Pelvic Area

Endocrine gland: Ovaries/Testes 

Aspect: Emotional Self/Sexuality/Creativity

Second in our Chakra Series - So excited and honored to have Beth James as our featured writer for the Sacral Chakra.  This bright and sensual goddess seriously embodies the energy of this chakra center and she's currently pregnant and nurturing her next little one! Be sure to check out the links below for her next retreat in October (It's in Greece - yay!) plus  Barefoot & Free Festival coming in August. 

The Svadhishthana is the second chakra in the 7 chakra system. Various texts and experiences point out that we have many more energetic centers, but most are most familiar with the 7 chakra system.  A great beginner way to think of these centers is the comparison of Maslow’s Higher Archy of Needs, where each center is a sort of stepping stone in evolution and possibility of the one before.

So, the first chakra is our ROOT.  Think of this center as your base, the center of your most basic yet fundamental needs. This sets the foundation for you to journey up and into the second chakra, as I will refer to as your womb center.

After having basic needs met then where do we go?  Well, we then have the platform to be more creative and sensual. The womb center houses our sensuality and our desire to create. Of course for many women its literally the place of creation and where we all began our human journey, but this center is full of creative life force for both men and women and when it is fully functioning and open we feel creative, sensual and connected to our sexuality as well. If this center is not balanced or closed off the result may be feeling blocked in these areas. A feeling of lack of inspiration in the creative department is common here as is an inability to be in touch with ones sensual side.

As the journey of the chakras is meant to keep flowing upward this then influences our connection to the upper chakras. The third chakra, housing our POWER or Ego then is likely to be out of balance or perhaps over compensating for our blocked womb center. You can see this often in our western society, hunger for power and wealth and fame; yet extremely disconnecting to ones artistic and soft more feminine nature.

So what do we do? How do we connect to our subtle body and this seemingly elusive energetic centers?  We simply begin by paying attention to ourselves. Our bodies are amazing communicators if we are willing to really listen.

The easiest first step is simply carving time out each day to be with just yourself and these examples are all aimed in particular at connecting more to your Womb chakra but in general you will find them helpful to be become more connected to your entire energetic body.

First physically you need to move. But move in a special more sensual way. Perhaps you will only feel comfortable doing this alone at home or someone else that feels very secure to you.  I love recommending hip circles. Its easy for all bodies to move and make figure 8’s with your hips. Start slow, listen to music or just dance to the rhythm of your breathe and really feel how your body flows.

Try circling at least for 5 minutes and making the circles slow and small and then see where the movement takes you. As you get more comfortable moving in an uncontrolled sensual way you can start the beginning of ecstatic dance which is deeply healing therapeutic way to connect to your womb center. There are many places around the country now offering ecstatic dance but again this can be you dancing in your own home. Essential is your presence, your ability to be comfortable and move without force or thought. The ecstatic part comes as a result of your ability to really let go. You will find it is a feeling of almost making sensual love to your whole healthy self.

Another powerful tool is for you to find your form of art! This can be so many different things. To some yoga is an art form, the flow, the sequence, the dance of breath and movement. But I suggest exploring the other ways you enjoy creating. Maybe an art class with a friend or even my favorite an adult coloring book and some great markers with a glass of wine! Tap into your inner 4 year old that isn’t creating to get an A or perfect anything but rather just exploring ones ability to create, play, and have FUN!

Remember your womb center is all about creating, creating and creating! The more you ways you notice you are always creating - in the kitchen, the way you choose your clothes, planting flowers in your garden, the more you will desire to create more and more. Like energy attracts like energy so experiment and again just start to pay attention!

My last suggestion involves learning to embrace more of your sensual body. For so many of us the reason why we have a disconnect to our womb centers revolves around past traumas and or shame.  Most of us aren’t taught how to be or how it's okay that we are sensual, and yes, sexual beings. Most of our parents probably weren’t comfortable teaching us about this because most people hold a lot of shame around this divine part of ourselves.  Religion and upbringing may be huge blocks when it comes to truly opening this center so be patient with yourself for the road may be long and a little bumpy, but in the end for sure worth living your authentic YOU!

I watch my four year old daughter touch her body in all kinds of sensual ways. None is teaching her touching her body is wrong or bad or anything to be ashamed of. AND why shouldn’t she be curious about touching her body more and more? WE all started doing it as young babies fascinated with ourselves !!!

Something as simple as your evening routine of self care is a very good start. Do you simply go through the motions when you wash your face or do you really feel the skin to skin connection as you clean your face? Notice the water temperature, breath in deeply the smells. Use natural high quality products and start to incorporate essential oils in this routine. Take the time when you apply your lotion or oil to your body to do it as a self massage. Not only is it great for your skin but you will start to notice and feel more and more sensation.

Sensation really is the key! Feeling more and your willingness to explore more and more into these feelings. Without a judgment or any shame or fear, you must learn to approach yourself as if you again where a child. For women, I suggest looking into purchasing a yoni egg and start exploring your inner landscape of your body more and more. Yoni eggs are powerful at healing trauma and shame associated with your sexual centers and great at helping women improve their moon cycles.

For all us it’s a journey of curiosity and learning coupled with lots of unlearning. I always tell my yoga students so much of the depth of this practice is about unlearning, these things we learned from others that they learned from others. Not because they were right but because they were told. As you begin to trust and listen more and more to yourself, your body will speak and you will start to find new ways to uncover and open these centers!

Enjoy the journey and feel your sensation in your body as a gift!

With love


About Beth James. Beth has been leading yoga retreats around the world for the past four years and every time the experience has been life changing for all. Retreats go beyond the practice of yoga (but don’t worry we will do that everyday) it’s CO-creating our DREAM life! Traveling to an incredible location, staying with other open, loving, HIGH vibe people, and sharing in the beauty of being alive on this planet.

Beth aims to bring people together and grow together. The retreat will allow you to access your sweet side, the part of you that can feel deeply relaxed and healthy in your body.  Allowing you to feel connected and naturally inspired to leave the retreat and take the essence of goodness with you into your life!

A yoga retreat is a time to truly LOVE yourself, enjoy the bliss and beauty of life, deepen relationships, encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and try new things, and learn more about the planet and the culture of the area we travel.

Visit for more information about Barefoot and Free Festival. For more help connecting with your Sacral Chakra check out our Return chakra oil.  To learn more about chakras visit the rest of our blog series here.