Chakra: Root/ Muladhara
Element: Earth
Color: Red
Sound: LAM
Location: Base of Spine
Endocrine gland: Adrenals
Aspect: Survival, Security
First in our Chakra Series - Yogi and Holistic Nurse Jaime Vinson, RN HN-BC gets to the root of things by walking us through the 1st chakra.
Muladhara is the first chakra. It is located at the base of the spine in the lower three bones of the pelvic plexus. It is also associated with the external perineum. The root chakra dominates the our most basic of human needs, like safety, survival, sleep, trust and nourishment. Self-preservation is the primary concern of Muladhara. I often find myself lecturing on the fact that you cannot pour from an empty cup and that self-care is not selfish. As women (and nurses), we tend to forget this and live our lives as martyrs. This is not healthy and does not serve the greater good of anyone. THARA SACRA GROUND helps remind me to give the best of myself, not what is left of myself. I use it to plug my vibration back into the earth, to find peaceful sleep, when I need to focus on my basic needs and when meditating. Easy to do considering it is my favorite blend.
“Balancing the root chakra is crucial to good health and vitality. ”
Molly Grunewald Photography
Balancing the root chakra is crucial to good health and vitality. The root chakra can be likened to the very base of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. When we are deficient in root energy we become fearful, anxious, we lose focus, and have trouble establishing boundaries. In excess, we become sluggish and lazy, resistant to change and may be to ridged or uptight. I see a lot of patients who have chronic pain issues and self-loathing also have imbalanced root issues. There bodies become very resistant to movement. It is hard for them to let go of what is stuck in the energetic memory of their root chakra and allow energy to move freely along the nadis and through chakras.
Molly Grunewald Photography
Our adrenal glands are associated with our root chakra. “Why, that is not where your adrenals are located?” The Adrenal glands are located on top of your kidneys. Yes, this is far from the area associated with the root chakra but the terminal end of the urinary system is the urinary meatus. The lowest portion of your vagal nerve is in the rectum, and the coccygeal plexus controls the perineal sphincters and the superficial sensations of ones “saddle”. Why does that matter? Well, when mammals are confronted with life threat (the ultimate insult to safety) can lose control of their bowel and bladder, freeze (losing tone in the base of the root chakra area) or they run or fight for their life (making use of the top most portion of the root chakra, the adrenals). This can be explained by Stephen Porges, Polyvagal Theory (Porges, 2017).
“Grounding can help you move past your fears and insecurity. It can move you past cynicism and the need for excess. ”
Molly Grunewald Photography
I recently, being the snow loving Capricorn I am, found myself outside laying amongst the fallen trees during a pleasant snowfall meditation, using my Ground chakra oil. It was the perfect complement to the fresh snow kissing my cheeks as it fell so softly. The smell of the majestic black spruce helped me to connect with the earth and calmed my nervous energy (The pinecone is associated with the pineal gland and the third-eye too). I was able to step away from the chaos of the holidays and just be present in my own body, absorbing the true sensations of the season. Black pepper helped me let go of my tension. Vetiver and patchouli help me stay present and aware of every subtle movement around me. I could hear the cacophony of snow falling. This blend is truly magical and is my go to for all things self-care and grounding.
Molly Grunewald Photography
Grounding can help you move past your fears and insecurity. It can move you past cynicism and the need for excess. Having a busy career can be fulfilling and depleting. Grounding helps me balance and recognize what is important. Ground Chakra oil and some of my favorite yoga poses like Parsvottanasana (pyramid pose), Janu Sirsasana (head to knee pose) and any pose where I can put my hands on the ground (Adho Muhka Svanasana/ down dog, Bakasana/ crow and Balasana/child’ s pose, Prasarita Padottanasana/ wide leg forward fold) helps me reconnect with my root chakra.
The Polyvagal Theory / the Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory. (2017). W W Norton & Co Inc.
Jaime Vinson
About Jaime Vinson- RN HN-BC
Board certified Holistic Nurse, 200hr RYT, Buti, Hot Buti, Sculpt and Hot Core fitness instructor, DONA trained birth and postpartum doula, French Aromatherapist, IASH Sound Healer, weighted therapy expert, Holistic Nursing Educator, National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) Director for Indiana, and National Conference Speaker are just some of my certifications and titles. I study the Vagal nerve and the physiology of the mind body connection. I am a married mother of two young, beautiful, energetic children and in my forties working full time in the hospital, conduct medical research on holistic modalities and am a full-time student on top of all that! I stay VERY busy so being able to keep myself grounded if highly important to me.
For booking inquiries and collaboration requests contact Jaime at or