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Chakras. You might have heard about them in a yoga class or maybe you spoke of them without even realizing it: “My heart hurts” “It felt like they punched me in my gut” but what exactly are chakras and why are they so important?

Lauren J. Williams / Molly Grunewald Photography

Chakras are energy wheels or points within the subtle body through which energy flows. The function of these chakras is to keep spinning and moving this energy through the body keeping spiritual, emotional, and physical parts of ourselves in balance. 

While there are many different chakras throughout the body there are seven main chakras running down the center. These are: Muladhara (root), Swadhisthana (sacral), Manipura (solar-plexus), Anahata(heart), Vishudda (throat), Ajna (third eye), and Sahasrara (crown.) The energy channels that carry all life force throughout our bodies meet in each of these chakra points. In Sanskrit the word for this life force is prana and the energy channels are called nadis.

When our Chakras are open and balanced prana is able to easily flow through these channels from the base of our spine to the crown and back again. It is then that we are at our most vital, radiating the truest light of our being. If any of these chakras are blocked or overfilled prana is not able to flow freely. This can lead to imbalance and potentially cause issues. 

Lauren J. Williams / Molly Grunewald Photography

There are many ways to help assist with the unblocking and balancing ones chakras. Yoga does this through the practice of asana, meditation, and pranayama.  At Thara Sacra we seek to support moving this energy through the use of vibrational alchemy, aromatherapy, and ritual.

Over the next few months we will be featuring special guests on our blog who will help us explore each chakra to gain a better understanding of their attributes and how we can incorporate balancing them into our daily lives. 

Tara Boinpally / Erica Treais Holm Photography

Our first blog in the series will feature the Root chakra (Muladhara).

 (Tara, Founder, THARA SACRA)

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